Very Good, Jeeves Pelham Wodehouse

Very Good, Jeeves - Pelham Wodehouse
Автор: Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл
Издательство: Random House, 2017 г.
  • Научный редактор: Крепостин Егор Гавриилович
  • Дизайн: Летошенко Леонард Филиппович
  • Корректор: Гельруд Эдгард Федосьевич
  • Кол-во страниц: 524
  • Формат: fb2, pdf,txt

Описание к книге "Very Good, Jeeves"
A Jeeves and Wooster collection An outstanding collection of Jeeves stories, everyone a winner, in which Jeeves endeavors to give satisfaction: By saving a grumpy cabinet minister from being marooned and attacked by a swan - in the process saving Bertie Wooster from his impending doom...By rescuing Bingo Little and Tuppy Glossop from the soup (twice each)...By arranging rather too many performances of the song 'Sonny Boy' to a not very appreciative audience...And by a variety of other sparkling stratagems that should reduce you to helpless laughter. This early collection shows P.G.Wodehouse at the top of his game, writing with sublime wit and delicacy of plotting. Вы можете скачать Very Good, Jeeves Pelham Wodehouse.

  • Very Good, Jeeves Pelham Wodehouse

  • Very Good, Jeeves Pelham Wodehouse
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